Silver Diamine Fluoride

Every child deserves a lifetime of smiles

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Silver Diamine Fluoride

If you think your child might have cavities, don’t worry – we’ve got a great way to help their smile get better. One of our favorite Santa Maria cavity treatments is Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF), an efficient and non-invasive approach for cavity treatment and decay prevention, suitable for baby teeth.

Silver Diamine Fluoride is a topical liquid solution applied directly to your child’s tooth surface. It eliminates the need for needles or drills, making it a perfect choice for children who may find it challenging to sit still during dental procedures. The SDF solution contains fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and combat bacteria, as well as silver to both treat and prevent decay.

At Mariposa Pediatric Dentistry, we understand the importance of repairing and taking care of those decayed baby teeth. Request an appointment today to discover firsthand the lasting benefits of SDF!

dental exams in Santa Maria preventive dentistry in SAnta Maria
Our Pediatric Dental Office About Dr. Annie Pedersen. Pediatric dentist in Santa Maria. Dentist in Santa Maria, CA. The Mariposa Pediatric Dentistry staff provides exceptional pediatric dental care in Santa Maria. Our experienced team is dedicated to enhancing your child's smile and oral health.
Our Pediatric Dental Office About Dr. Annie Pedersen. Pediatric dentist in Santa Maria. Dentist in Santa Maria, CA. The Mariposa Pediatric Dentistry staff provides exceptional pediatric dental care in Santa Maria. Our experienced team is dedicated to enhancing your child's smile and oral health.

Benefits of silver diamine fluoride

  • Non-invasive: SDF is a non-invasive treatment, which means it doesn’t require drilling or shots, making it an excellent choice for individuals who may be anxious about dental procedures, particularly children.
  • Quick and painless: The application of SDF is a quick and painless process, saving time and reducing discomfort for patients.
  • Effective decay treatment: SDF can effectively stop the progression of tooth decay. It works by killing the bacteria responsible for causing cavities and hardening the tooth structure.
  • Preventative action: SDF can be used to prevent new cavities from forming, especially in high-risk areas of the mouth.
  • Cost-effective: SDF is often more cost-effective compared to traditional restorative treatments like fillings or crowns.

Did you know: Denti-Cal and most dental insurances cover 100% of most pediatric dentistry treatments? Contact us to learn more about your specific coverage.

What to expect during your kid’s SDF cavity treatment appointment

  • Cleaning: We will start by gently cleaning the affected area to remove any debris and plaque.
  • Isolation: Our dentist will isolate the treatment area to safeguard the surrounding tissues and ensure a precise application.
  • Application: Using a small brush, we’ll apply the Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) to the affected area, which is a quick and straightforward process.
  • Follow-up: A few weeks later, we’ll schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure that everything is progressing as expected and to address any concerns.


Rest assured, we’re here to make the process as comfortable and effective as possible for your child’s dental health.

Our Pediatric Dental Office About Dr. Annie Pedersen. Pediatric dentist in Santa Maria. Dentist in Santa Maria, CA. The Mariposa Pediatric Dentistry staff provides exceptional pediatric dental care in Santa Maria. Our experienced team is dedicated to enhancing your child's smile and oral health.

SDF cavity treatment FAQs

Yes, SDF is considered safe for treating tooth decay in children. It is non-invasive and doesn’t require drilling or anesthesia, making it a suitable option for pediatric dental care.


Silver Diamine Fluoride may darken the treated area, turning it black or brown. This is a cosmetic change and not a health risk. Additionally, SDF may not be suitable for deep cavities or certain dental situations, and your dentist will assess your child’s unique needs.


The frequency of SDF applications can vary based on the patient’s needs. In some cases, a single application may suffice, while others may require periodic reapplication, typically once a year, to ensure continued protection against cavities.


Call (805) 922-9626 to ask your dentist specific questions about SDF during your child’s dental appointment to address any concerns you may have.

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